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Fetch Pizza - Pro Delivery Bags for the Coach or Team Parent!

  • Just like the Pros !
3.00 LBS
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Product Description

Because almost all athletes love Pizza !

Get hot pizza when you want it ...
with a FETCH pizza "pick-up" bag.
It's the same thermal bag used by
the delivery "pros" -
now available to the pizza lover.

No more long waits.
No more tips. No more cold pizza.

Just call it in from the car,
pick it up hot from the oven,
and bring it straight home.
Fetch Pizza Bags for folks that
don't wait for delivery!


So where did this "far-fetched" idea come from you ask? Anyone who knows me, knows I love new products and market niches. For a long time I have been looking for a cool product that wasn't available at retail and something nobody had, but everybody might want. I wanted it to provide quality and I wanted it to be fun. Then I needed a way to tell people about it - lots of people. I knew it would need buzz. Word of mouth, friend to friend, e-mail. Some media hype hopefully.

Fetch Pizza Story :

Arriving at the niche took several years. First, pizza bags were a contested item in my mother-in-laws divorce. This was the first time pizza bags registered on my radar. Next, my sister lived out past the delivery zones in Jackson Hole Wyoming - but even her resourceful husband had difficulty trying to buy a thermal pizza bag. Next, my dog really did the disappearing pizza trick I used in the first ad. Next e-commerce became a reality. Then one of the suppliers for my sports equipment business, my real job, happened to make thermal bags as a sideline. (Made in the USA.) Last, I was taking a digital video course that required me to make an advertisement. Voilà - put it all together along with a lot of help from friends, strangers and a wonderful dog, and you get Fetch Pizza Bags.


I put a counter on the site so you can see how well the project is doing. I am also going to donate a dollar per order to food charities.


Since we want to limit the bulk-mail pizza thing, I am asking everyone I know to pass this story along to friends; You know - the Kevin Bacon thing of 7 degrees of connection. So check out the website to see the fun ad, the sales counter and the food charities.


Thanks everybody -
Craig and Happy


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